This is generally the section where the artist puts down his/her resume. I'll keep mine brief. No fancy art schools, no decades of art experience. In fact, I was once asked to leave a high school art class, being told "I didn't have an artistic bone in my body." Believing that to be true, I've served in Emergency Medicine since 2007, with lots of fancy letters after my name.
The truth is, sometime in 2017, after a particularly difficult shift, I sat down in search of a healthy way to decompress and discovered I can draw! I've been slowly developing my style ever since, with an obsession.
But sometimes, you realize you're playing in the wrong arena and that's exactly what happened to me in March of 2024. I walked up to the computer, drafted my two week notice and quit my cushy nursing job to bet on myself. With some incredible opportunities and unwavering support, I have no back up plan but a heck of a vision. So here's to living out my dream!
Thank you for your interest and support!
Elena Johnson